Some pieces from my Many Moons Ago range that I am currently working on...these are the finished pieces so far 2 rings, a pair of large gauge hoops for wearing through stretched ear tunnels and 2 pairs of large studs for normal gauge ear piercings. There are more in the works. They are made with materials that actually glow and shimmer when light hits them, reflecting light and becoming luminous just like the real moon. Some of them will be available at the Box Hill centre for creative industries Jewellery class's Fairytale, myth and legend themed exhibition in a fundraising silent auction at the amazing dark fairytalesque New Guernica club on Wednesday 8th June. If you're keen you should come on down and bid on some beautiful handmade wearables, there are also pieces being donated from well known and wonderously talented artists like Julia De Ville http://juliadeville.com/. Proceeds are being used to fund our end of year graduate show.
And I will leave you with some images of the very interesting venue

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