Are you the type of person who likes to prance about with cakes on their head?! I know I am...

Some new cute hair and brooch cakes/accessories that I made for the Art Snack Shack mobile gallery (art cart on the back of a bicycle) at the Village Festival
in Edinburgh Gardens, North Fitzroy, November 4th -7th 2010 and will also be available at HOOFKAKE and also eventually on my etsy
I made the PomPom hair tie, purple puff pod cream hair cake with fluro yellow pompom, light blue layer birthday hair cake with hearts, translucent filled with goodies hair bow, cherry cream layer hair cake clip and light blue heart cream cake pearl ruffle brooch I'm wearing here and those other hand sewn goods on my permanent tea party table.. blue satin handband not by me, bought at a asian $2 store and spooky reflector ghosts with batwings earrings are wine glass charms from the reject shop.