Been working very hard all week putting together a jewellery collection, putting to use some of the moulds I spent the year making...Whipped Cream rings cast in sterling silver, 6 different soft serve style dollop variations to choose from, each comes attached onto a pretty arctic aurora card and with a holographic ring box to store it in. Available at : and The Pixie Collective 374 High St, Northcote,Vic Australia
Handmade by me, Cast in sterling silver.I'll be making more of these with different whipped cream variations. In the background is an unfinished patchwork I'm working on that I started a year ago and lost, then found the other day, it eventually will become a cushion cover.
Crystal Caves Necklace-handmade by me in my silversmithing fabrication class, cuttlefish cast mountains, filigree lace halo,sterling silver and prong set with granulation spirit quartz point. Dress-modified by me, dyed with tea and coffee, antique crochet lace sewn on bustline, original white dress given to me by a woman who owned a fairy shop for helping out a friend host a kids fairy party. Blue floral bag- $1 op shop score pastel pink basket-Vintage from antique centre polka dot sheer dress-vintage nightgown lacey cape/jackety thing-vintage dressing gown turban-found in a gift shop in a random country town my van broke down in last year whilst travelling, I added the peach bow with irredescent beading and a vintage crystal drop dangling from it that was a lone earring. She-ra castle-vintage- bought off a friend Pastel blue cupboard-50's vintage Emerald op shop $15!! I collect vintage kitschy furniture and this is one of my favourite and cheapest finds, it also has adorable 50's-60's animal decals on the side not viewable in this pic that were put there by the original! metallic pink circus/carnival animal merry go round tin-original 50's ice-cream tin that belonged to my dad as a child.
For those that haven't yet heard of Iamamiwhoami they're a mysterious well made avant garde audio visual project that have remained anonymous posting clips on youtube since the beginning of the year with creepy symbols, riddles, codes and clues. And they're strangely addictive.The clips featured a swedish woman with long blonde hair singing with her face distorted and hidden in the first series which were titled with coded numbers, she is often covered in black dirt, sometimes subtly doing sexually suggestive things with trees in the woods (though think more along the lines of Bjork rather than say Britney Spears, alluding sexual imagery to convey a well thought out complex conceptual art piece rather than adhering to traditional standards of beauty and because sex sells)
They even asked their followers to vote for a representative and sent him on a international flight to meet and do strange rituals.
They had a "live concert" on their normally blank website a few days ago that they deleted 3 hours after posting, which was more like a long stream of unedited footage as their was no audience and it was filmed in the forest.
The mystery continues, new videos keep coming and no one seems to have solved the riddle yet...
I suggest watching their clips from the oldest titled Prelude at the bottom of the list to the most recently posted on their channel
Clues so far:
I am bounty, 6 black cats, 6 black dogs, 6 strawberries, 666, educational, I am, it's me, Mandragora Officiarum, Mandrake root, welcome home, covered in milk? sperm?, mandrakes grow from hanged mens semen?, genetic codes, numeric codes,forests, dirt, goats giving birth, hecate, foil, trees, soil, mysterious parcels containing locks of blonde hair and animals paper riddle.
wood foetus natal moisture machine disciple orifice
foetus lap nourish cortex sap disciple wood
foetus amniotic fluid umbilical cord cream gateau disciple wood
wood disciple rodent engender spout mount
wood lay roe spasm disciple nest virulent
asterisk disciple habitat interment crest wood pulp
The words wood and disciple appear in all of them. They all seem to do with birth and death.
Goat -baaa Owl-ooo Whale-uuu, Bee-Nnn, Llama-Taa Monkey-Eee
Not sure what all this madness is or means yet but I love it.I'm so curious! Even trying to find out what other people think the answer to the riddle is a mind fuck, so many different theories and it's very hard to know who's right.. so far all I am sure of is that it is most probably Jonna Lee as it looks just like her and 5 other guys, it has something to do with mandrakes, nature and the animals spell out bounty like the titles of the songs. Hmmmm any thoughts??
Unofficial Promo that someone made with little bits of the clips..
Are you the type of person who likes to prance about with cakes on their head?! I know I am...
Some new cute hair and brooch cakes/accessories that I made for the Art Snack Shack mobile gallery (art cart on the back of a bicycle) at the Village Festival in Edinburgh Gardens, North Fitzroy, November 4th -7th 2010 and will also be available at HOOFKAKE and also eventually on my etsy I made the PomPom hair tie, purple puff pod cream hair cake with fluro yellow pompom, light blue layer birthday hair cake with hearts, translucent filled with goodies hair bow, cherry cream layer hair cake clip and light blue heart cream cake pearl ruffle brooch I'm wearing here and those other hand sewn goods on my permanent tea party table.. blue satin handband not by me, bought at a asian $2 store and spooky reflector ghosts with batwings earrings are wine glass charms from the reject shop.
Listening to Coco Rosie and making Halloween/Samhain/All Hallows Even trinkets...planning costumes (bought a huge bag of luxurious fabrics, silky sheets, various pieces of sherbety satin clothing to cut up and reconstruct a spooky outfit from a local op shop for a couple of dollars, best cheapest oppy! in Ferntree Gully, Mountain Gate shopping strip)
"Sunshine Mountains" Ring Solid Sterling silver Top cast by hand Claw set in band Faceted Lemon quartz stone, Bearing Bezel set Hidden filigree underneath Granulation on sides of band
Please note:The purple one is made by me the hologram one is not.
Every packet of snow skin mooncakes I've ever read the ingredients of in asian grocery stores seems to not be vegan (often they contain yolks from salted duck eggs in the centre) so unfortunately I've never had the pleasure of eating them but arent they gorgeous! The ones pictured above have a recipe that is vegan (as long as you used vegetable shortening rather then animal fat) it can be found here: So in case in you didnt know this is the chinese dessert that I took my username from a long time ago, though when I first heard of it I saw it has snowskinmooncake flavoured ice-cream featured on a asian travel blog many many years ago, how lovely. But it wasn't until I read more about them that they really interested me.
From Wikipedia: "Mooncakes are Chinese pastries traditionally eaten during the Mid-Autumn Festival / Zhongqiu Festival. The festival is for lunar worship and moon watching; moon cakes are regarded as an indispensable delicacy on this occasion. Mooncakes are offered between friends or on family gatherings while celebrating the festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the three most important Chinese festivals."
Also the legend about mooncakes with secret messages in them is really cool..
Also from Wiki : "There is a folk tale about the overthrow of Mongol rule facilitated by messages smuggled in moon cakes. Mooncakes were used as a medium by the Ming revolutionaries in their espionage effort to secretly distribute letters in order to overthrow the Mongolian rulers of China in the Yuan dynasty. The idea is said to be conceived by Zhu Yuanzhang (朱元璋) and his advisor Liu Bowen (劉伯溫), who circulated a rumor that a deadly plague was spreading and the only way to prevent it was to eat special mooncakes. This prompted the quick distribution of mooncakes, which were used to hide a secret message coordinating the Han Chinese revolt on the 15th day of the eighth lunar month. Another method of hiding the message was printed in the surface of mooncakes as a simple puzzle or mosaic. In order to read the encrypted message, each of the four mooncakes packaged together must be cut into four parts each. The 16 pieces of mooncake, must then be pieced together in such a fashion that the secret messages can be read. The pieces of mooncake are then eaten to destroy the message."
To learn more about mooncakes look here:
Some cakes and mini heart pillows I made a year ago, some are now for sale at Hoofkake, near the corner of Sydney Rd and Albert St Brunswick Melbourne.
Also some snuggily soft pastel/neon scarves I knitted recently are available there too in various colours. Very similar to this one I'm wearing in the photo above taken in the forest in Byron Bay year ago... I also made the tassle bumbag and crystal necklace I'm wearing in that pic too.
Called either Italian Cauilflower, Veronica Cauliflower or Romanesco Broccoli, it naturally forms in fantastic fractal spiral shapes.
HELP! : Does anyone know where I can buy this in Melbourne Australia? I'm hoping to find some in the next week as I need it for a project I'm working on... Also has anyone in Australia seen it for sale at any point or known anyone that has? Need to also determine if it's available for sale in Australia, after much searching of the interwebs I only find mention of it in America and Europe, your help would be muchly appreciated :)
I just found out the other day that a second U-noa Freak book is out and look who did the cover art! Though she didn't do any other art within the book like last time, just the cover. I have number 1 now I need number 2........eep.
sooo looking forward to friday! Getting various pixietail animals tattooed, half sleeve on my right forearm, feels like I'm high on the excitement and antici..............pation .Bouncing around on happiness bubbles.
And for those that don't know what pixietails are, as you werent old enough too remember them from the 80's, or were too old to be into it or were more into He-man or transformers, pixie tails were toys, and in a cartoon and books called Lady Lovely Locks .They were little pastel rainbow colourful animals with long pony tails that were LLL's friends and helpers that liked to sit on her head and fly around talking in ryming riddles and cast magic spells on naughty people. They were chipmunks, rabbits, fish, snails, turtles, canary type birds, mice, and ducks all with long swirly hair tails. Very very 80's and girly and very possibly the beginnings of a lifetime obsession with having hair like a toy from that era. Brings back nostalgic happy childhood memory glee.
One of my favourite artists Junko Mizuno collects 80's toys too(she has the most amazing huge collection arranged around her studio) and in interviews she's spoken about them being such vibrant source of inspiration for her and how she couldnt make art without them ( And me too!!) I remember seeing some creatures in Pure Trance and other of her comics that remind me of pixietails, chubby flying birds with long colourful pony tails that were so awesome!